Tuesday, May 06, 2008


I finished my blouse from Wendy pattern 3835 that I wrote about last time. It came out really cute. Of course there are no pictures of it yet. Lately all my days off from work have been dreary rainy ones. The lighting has been lousy. I like to take as many shots as I can outside or during the day inside if I have to. But it's just been too dark and dreary. Tomorrow is supposed to nice so I'm really gonna try to get some shots. I have quite a bit of things to post about.

Back to the blouse pattern. This pattern has been a definite success so far. I've worn it three times already. I made a second one right after in a linen/rayon blend. Its a natural linen color with dark blue stitched daisies on it. It came in other thread colors. Very cute. On this however I modified the pattern a bit. I think I'll take some detailed pictures of that and post more about my mods next time.

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